The Parish Survey, which was carried out to try and identify who lives in our community and what their priorities are, was completed with 124 responses. Considering that many respondents will represent not only their own views but those of their households too, we consider this to be a remarkable result. Thank you for all who took the trouble to complete the forms.
The information is now being analysed and from the information you have given us a Local Plan, which will direct the Parish Council to concentrate on the issues which people found most important, will be produced.
Already the Parish Council has recognised some urgent recommendations and will be putting them in action as soon as possible. Some issues, for example communications to enable people to keep up with events and issues around the rules, regulations and results of Speedwatch which have been raised really deserve a full response or explanation. Therefore, in future Your View editions the Parish Council intend to provide those explanations.
After the Plan has been published later this year a full copy of the Survey answers will be posted on line.
Trudoxhill Parish Plan Committee
26th May 2023