
2025 Parish Precept & Grass Maintenance

It is that time of year when the Parish Council builds the budget for the parish and sets the precept (the council tax amount apportioned to the parish) accordingly. Our parish has a modest precept of £7,671, per household, that is 10th lowest out of 62 parishes in Mendip. (see page 22-24 in this document for figures for all of Mendip)

This year, as Somerset Unitary Council continues to try to balance their budget, they have informed parish councils that as of April 2025 they will be passing the responsibility for maintaining certain areas they own down to the parishes, asking the parishes to cover the costs in the process.

There are three main areas that affect Trudoxhill Parish (shown in the below maps in green cross hatched areas and red and green lines) which comprise green areas in Ashfield Close, Postlebury View and the cemetary at Gare Hill.
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To add these to our existing grass contract would be an increase of £1,260. This represents a very large increase in our overall budget. The parish council have managed to cut the increase needed to £684 with savings and cuts to events, but the shortfall must be covered.

To cover this with the precept, the average household would see their parish contribution rise to £43.39 for the year – a £3.55 rise over last year.

The other alternative available is to find a way to source this maintenance from volunteers in the community. If you would be able to volunteer to cut one, two or all three of these areas once a month, we can save every household £3.55 per year.

Please get in touch if you can help, or if you have other ideas, or even if you have comments the council can share with Somerset Unitary – but please do so as soon as possible – the parish council has a legal duty to budget to cover this cost and must raise the precept if it cannot source the work elsewhere.

Thank you for your time,

Trudoxhill Parish Council